Your Safety First
Our patient safety has always
been our top priority!

Your Safety First
Our patient safety has always been our top priority!

Keeping Patients Safe
At Doctors of Clinical Specialties, it is our priority to remain dedicated to the safety of our patients, staff, and community to avoid any unnecessary spread of COVID-19.

Keeping Patients Safe
At Doctors of Clinical Specialties, it is our priority to remain dedicated to the safety of our patients, staff, and community to avoid any unnecessary spread of COVID-19.

We are monitoring all staff for symptoms of COVID-19.
We are instructing staff who have symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g., fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle aches, tiredness) to stay home and not come to work.

We are providing extra training for staff and education for patients about the importance of hand hygiene, face masks, respiratory hygiene, and cough etiquette.
Tissues, alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and trash cans will be provided in the waiting area and treatment area. Soap and water will continue to be available at all hand washing sinks and in the restrooms.

We are training staff about proper use of personal protective equipment for COVID-19.
You may see a change in the personal protective equipment (i.e. gowns, masks, gloves) that staff are asked to wear.

We are monitoring patients on dialysis and visitors for symptoms of COVID-19.
Call ahead if you have fever, new cough, sore throat, tiredness, muscle aches or shortness of breath. This allows us to plan for your arrival and take infection prevention steps to keep you safe.

We are continuing our routine cleaning and disinfection procedures as these procedures are recommended for protecting patients from COVID-19 in dialysis settings.
Any surface, supplies, or equipment located within the patient station will continue to be disinfected or discarded. We will ensure any surface, supplies or equipment located within 6 feet of an ill patient is disinfected or discarded.